Tips Coinos Link

lightning donations and tips

multiple options to add a quick payment link on your website


the plan:

You want to get tips with Lightning

the tools:

Use coinos.

the upside:

Sign up in 30 seconds
Create login and password (anonymous)
Free sending/receiving
Web-based (no app download necessary)
Get a free lightning address
Get a free NOST ID
Options for pin and 2fa
Branding with name, banner and logo
Amounts in sats or fiat
Can send eCash
Withdraw in sats online or lightning
Customer can use any lightning wallet
Option to add tip
Payment confirmation
Transaction history with csv export
Option to charge any amount
Can be used as a POS in-store, with PIN numbers for staff, but very limited functionality

the downside:

Custodial only (not your keys)
Cannot be self hosted
Fee 0.1% to convert between lightning and on-chain Bitcoin
No option to collect customer name or email
No pre set prices
No redirect
No e-commerce integration
Create ‘Fund’ is confusing feature, not well documented

the result (live demo):